Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Basic Math to illustrate Proximity Gestation

Though it is that I am no mathematician, I am going to attempt to illustrate the workings of the over all process through the use of one of our human emulations... being basic math.

It is that I am not an artist either, but it is easy to recognize an apple, an orange, grapes... etc... in a still life portrait. Such is what I am doing with this use of basic math.

As I have already addressed in the main body of this work, it is my belief that emulations such as mathematics have become more the distraction than the usefull tool in addressing our existence. So many look "into" math instead of "at" what it is that such depicts, as if the tool itself were the cause and reason. As if the infinite labyrinth it emulates and depicts, as paint on a canvas, is the real treasure to behold.

Our modern mathematics are based on a ten (10) number system. Many think immediately that this is the numbers one (1) through ten (10). Such isn't the case as many know. The system itself is based on the numbers zero (0) through nine (9). While it is that this may seem incredibly obvious to many.... what isn't so obvious is the pattern that such presents within itself. That pattern being an emulation of the said process of Proximity Gestation itself.

For instance;

The numbers of value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 actually hold the value placement of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10... this means that when a person refers to the number 6 for instance, they are actually referring to the 5th placement value in that ten (10) number system as it is that zero (0) holds the first place in that series of numbers.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A person then has to see that this then goes on and on.... once it is that the initial ten place's have been 'filled' in this cycle (the 0 - 9), it then again begins at the 'zero' place in regard to the placement system itself.

As well with the value figures within the ten number system, this effect extends. For instance, within the number value "1," which is actually at the "0" place in the ten number structure... it is again that this cycle continues within that value....

What this sets up, is a cycle that is very much proof positive of my claims to the fact that our progression through existence is both infinite and spiraled.... and even further hyperbolic and parabolic within that....

This is readily established when we then look to the next 'rotation' of that series of ten number places.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Ten (10) then in turn holds the next place which is occupied by zero in the first series of values presented before. What is more, is that beginning with the number ten (10), we have then entered the second rotation of that series of ten value placements.... which then puts us in the second value place within that larger ten number system.... which means we are then in the "1" of the series of places in the "0 - 9" set of initial value places. This then continues on, as you know... yielding a spiraled pattern which is hyperbolic and then parabolic within it's ten number value cycle.

To view this in a physical sense, is very much to present a spiral effect.....and is in no way a linear direction in limitations. The pattern itself is Omni-Directional while containing all of the other aspects I have described.

When a person then mentally connects those references within each rotation, and then even further connects ALL of those relationships within each turn, it serves to illustrate the very infinite capacity of it. Such also serves to illustrate the physical relation to some degree of the process of Proximity Gestation.

There are even geometrical references to this wonderful pattern which substantiate it quite naturally. The Star of David for instance. It is a "six" pointed figure, which actually contains "seven" separate and distinct spaces. A "five" pointed star, is very much the same. It contains "six" very distinct and separate spaces.

In regard to the larger effect of this process, in reference to such developments as mathematics... it is easy to see how such as our modern mathematical basis of a ten number system was wrought from the process of Proximity Gestation itself.... forming as with all else through that larger process.

If a person examines all of the different number systems of our human history, you will most assuredly see that relationship. That effect of Proximity in their similarities and differences. Their triumphs and short comings.

A person could even apply the rotation pattern I have just described to the development of mathematics (and even science) itself. This then in turn means that as I have stated, we have yet to even experience the smallest fraction percentage of the infinite possibilities.

In risking sounding like an all out nut case, I would even cite that the presence of those different number systems and philosophical basis, is tantalizing evidence of the distinct and very real possibility of alternate dimensions very near our own... those other systems being as result of effect from that larger process and those alternate influences within the larger process of Proximity Gestation.

To deny this possibility is to admit that you are limited within the aspect psychologically of our current structures of thought and perceived truths in 'science' without acknowledging the truths that even our ten number system, is only part of a larger effect and process. It, itself, as with all else that we know, developed from that larger process.

Those other mathematical 'systems' are very much evidence of those areas/realities I have described which could very much have begun before and/or after our known reality. Given the consistency of the overall emulation which is our reality and existence... such is really quite evident and very much a possibility due entirely to the example of their existence... more so a possibility for us to acknowledge and potentially experience them some day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I notice that the link to "your blog" leads to an empty account. Your opinion is quite valid, isn't it?

So what is it that you do with your life? Surf around blogs for things to use as if they were your ideas, only to slant them to those whom have actually put them forward?

You sound like the nut case... as sad, pathetic, envious nut case.

Now go call your mom.

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that people such as "Safe And Sane" even exist! Much less actually have some sort of influential effect on and of substantial cognitive expression. Anonymous is most likely correct in stating that he probably should just "go call his mom!"

If it weren't for actual wienies though... I guess there wouldn't be hot dogs at all of the ball games, right?

"Safe and Sane" is probably one of those "Bar Association Members" that is still wiping the ink off of their palms, and petroleum jelly off of their ass from finals... and probably lives in Washington State!

Some people just can't handle the realization of cognitive capacity..... it just wasn't on the crib sheet.... F*ck 'Em! It's a world full of pigeons, anyhow.

11:47 PM  

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